I couldn’t decide between an end of the month goal post or a What I Ate Wednesday. So you get both!


Yes, I finally bought more oatmeal. And enjoyed it with peanut butter and pumpkin butter. PB&PB oats!

Last month’s easy goal: Try a new food each week. Success.

New easy goal: Try a new food each week. I just plain ol’ love this goal.


Jackfruit and cauliflower mole on a bed of spinach.

Last month’s creative goal: Paint, draw and write more. Success on the painting front.

New creative goal: Continue setting aside time to paint, craft and art as much as possible.


Butternut squash cornbread. Squornbread? Had two generous pieces with a giant spoonful of peanut butter. I love the inclusion of squash in this, but I am still on a quest for the perfect cornbread recipe.

Last month’s money goal: Track where my money goes. Success until I spent $800 getting my car fixed and then just didn’t want to know/gave up.

New money goal: Use coupons more often.

Dinner Round 2

Post-workout smoothie. Yes, my smoothies and my camera rarely align. This held a frozen cherry-protein powder-chia seed-almond milk smoothie. Trust me.

Last Month’s Personal Goal: Be more outgoing on an occasion or two. Success! Signed up for (and am attending) hand-building pottery classes.

This Month’s Personal Goal: Do it again! Find something else new or slightly out of my comfort zone to participate in.


One nectarine (morning), one pear (afternoon) and two bites of a disgustingly mealy apple. Disappointment.

Last Month’s Fitness Goal: Start doing some classic lifting. Did the ol’ bench press/military press/deadlift/squat cycle for a week, burnt out on it fast.

This Month’s Fitness Goal: Start using heavier free weights, but stick to what is fun.

Have goals for the new month? Eat anything good lately?