So long, dear blogging friends.

I’ve decided to close down this blog and part ways with the HLB community. While this blog is a big part of who I was, it doesn’t reflect where I am or where I’m going. There are big and small changes happening in my life, and I want to dedicate my time and attention to them and to finding my place in the outside world.

Blogging has  meant (and still means) so much to me, and I can’t believe how many of you wonderful women I have gotten to know thanks to it. I may returning to blogging in some other form, fashion and location in the future, but until then if you’d like to be e-mail pals, feel free to drop me a message at

I love y’all and am wishing you the best with your personal journeys. Have fun, laugh lots, and don’t take life too seriously.

Beast-fully yours,
