The Good: I finally finished a two-week project to clean up the landscaping in my front yard.

The Bad: My garden has reverted to being a wild jungle due to monsoon rains and lack of attention.

The Good: I’ve been eating some really tasty, fresh foods.

The Bad: That business is expensive!


Chili with garden-fresh zucchini and cilantro.

The Good: I now have two part-time jobs!

The Bad: I broke my toilet to the tune of $325-worth of repairs. By accidentally springing the toilet-paper holder down the drain just as the toilet was flushing. Don’t even ask how that happened. I still don’t understand my life.

The Good: I’m getting to know my new room-man, and he’s a pretty cool (and incredibly quiet and tidy) dude.

The Bad: Pretty sure I creeped him out when he walked into a room just as I was calmly but angrily stating, “I will kill you when you least expect it.” It may have been directed toward a housefly I’d been chasing around all day…but out of context?

The Good: I’m doing a lot of writing for work and for fun.

The Bad: I took a bit of an unintentional break from blogging to do so. I miss you guys!


I love notebooks.

What’s balancing the good and bad in your life?