While I normally stick to a hard and fast grocery-and-budget routine, good weather has spurred a re-interest in good food. I’ve had a craving for local, fresh and homegrown–so I made it happen, cap’n.

Fresh Food in Review

And because Meghan is a proponent of all things fresh, green and salad-y, I figured what better combo that her Week in Review and my Fresh Food Finds?

Find: Goat Cheese


Found: Farmer’s Market (courtesy of Noble Springs Dairy)

Featured: Scarfed half the tub with an entire box of Carr’s. In one sitting. But it’s chevre and Carr’s, so it was totally a classy scarfing.

Find: Chicken


Found: My monthly chicken CSA (from Hidden Springs Farm)


Featured: Crocked one of ’em up for a week of chicken and broth.

Find: One giant motha’ brotha’ of a sweet potato


Found: Fall leftovers from my parents’ garden

Featured: Cubed and roasted it. Stood in front of the open fridge and ate roasted leftovers.

Find: Eggs


Found: Farmer’s Market (courtesy of an absolutely adorable Mennonite family farm)


Featured: Yolk porn.

Find: Lettuce


Found: My garden!


Featured: Simple, beautiful salad (with previously mentioned sweet potato and chicken) with a ginger dressing.

Find: Beautiful Beet Bounty


Found: Farmer’s Market.

Featured: Oh, wouldn’t you like to know? But I am going to save my creative magnificence (and modesty) for another post…

What fresh foods have you been enjoying lately?