I was reminded by Errign and her goal recap post yesterday that not only do I need to make some July goals, I didn’t make any June ones. I have been living a pointless (goal-less?) life since May, apparently.

Short-Term Goals (a.k.a. This Weekend)

Grocery shop. Four of us in one house, yet we currently have the worst case of bachelor fridge going on. I had hummus and dry cereal for breakfast. And now even those items are gone.

Clean ALL the things. And I mean all of them. Get the pile of shoes out of my car. Get the pile of shoes out of my room. Get the pile of shoes out of the front hall. Get rid of some shoes (perhaps). Wash my sheets (that never seems to happen as often as it should). Wash my laundry. Wash the kitchen floor. Organize my books. Organize my closet. Organize the open-this-door-and-the-tupperware-falls-out cabinet.

Spice up this blog. I didn’t know I was going to love my return to the blogging world as much as I have (this was only going to be somewhere for me to post book reviews for my own reference–I think the plan changed a bit), so the look of this blog hasn’t exactly been personalized.

Go shopping. Normally, this is a chore. This weekend? I get to spend someone else’s money. While folding a roommate’s laundry, I noticed that a good 100% of his shirts had holes, and a good 90% of them had giant armpit holes. These are his going-out-in-public shirts. I insisted we go shopping, he agreed it was probably time. This is why all single men need a female roommate. This, and because I’m going to make him get his back waxed.

Long-Term Goals (a.k.a. This Month)

Try one new food a week. Yep, already did this once. I enjoyed it (and it made me NOT eat the exact same thing every day–oatmeal breakfast, salad lunch, socca dinner/poptarts for every meal three days straight), so I’m going to be adventurous again.

Kick up the workouts. I had done a great job with this, but slipped a little. I want to go back to curling 20 pound weights, running 2.5 miles on a regular basis and adding a few BodyRock workouts to my weekly schedule.

Get to the farmer’s market. Why does this never happen?

Knock my to-cook list down a bit.

Have any goals for July? Or just some plans for the weekend?